Calling all elementary school students (Pre-K to 5th grade)! Join your Kennedy Cougars Cheer and Dance Teams for a fun clinic that includes snack, t-shirt, free entrance and perform during halftime at Kingston at the varsity football game! The clinic is just $35 and supports the Kennedy Cougars Cheer and Dance teams. Join us!
Clinic Date/Time:
Thursday, September 8th from 5:30pm-7pm at JFK *a snack and drinks will be served* Fee covers: t-shirt, snack, free entrance to the football game (for children) and fun! In the West Gym at Kennedy High School (4545 Wenig Road NE, Cedar Rapids).
Friday September 9th at Kingston Stadium during the VARSITY game at HALFTIME.
Ages: Clinic is for grades Pre-K to 5th grade.
Questions: Contact Coach Shelby Patterson at (319)-640-6623 or
Clinic is for grades Pre-K to 5th grade