
Playtime Wand craft

Laura Miller, Macaroni Kid publisher, Appleton, WI

February 23, 2012

The other day, Little One had a wand emergency. She was saying “Oh, where is my wand?” and “I cannot find my wand.” Such tragedies we have when we are two.

Here’s my quick and easy solution for this wand emergency. Afterwards she was running about saying things like "Now I have the power to read!" and "I can save the day!" And apparently Swiper cannot swipe this wand... ;)

What you need:

  • Two large foam stickers
  • Smaller stickers to decorate the big ones
  • One craft stick (aka popsicle stick)
  • Curling ribbon in coordinating colors
  • Tape
  • Scissors 

What you do:

1. Cut some of the curling ribbon and curl it with the edge of the scissors (we used two pieces of white and two pieces of purple)

2. Tape half of the ribbons together at the ends, then the other set so you have two bunches of ribbon.

3. Stick the end of the craft stick on one of the large stickers.

4. Place a section of ribbon on each side of the craft stick.

5. Stick the second large sticker over the craft stick and ribbon, being careful to line up all edges.

6. Decorate the large sticker with smaller stickers (we used a white heart that says “dream” and another blank one that we wrote LO’s name on. If you write on the foam stickers, remember that some ink eats foam. We used a marker made for writing on foam, but you can use a ball point pen, just use a gentle touch so you don’t gouge the foam).

7. Let your little one run around a waving the wand and dreaming big kid dreams… she was very excited, hence the blurry picture!

Other ideas:

After we had so much fun with this wand, we decided to make another one and do some experimenting. For the second one, I taped all the ribbon together in one bunch and had it come out the top of the wand (it gets tangled... we don't recommend it). And I gave one of the hearts an "I'm a Macaroni Kid" tattoo and then we used a "U Rule" sticker on the back.