Last month, I had the pleasure of listening to author and mom-blogger Amy Wilson speak about her newest book, When did I get like this? The Screamer, The Worrier, The Dinosaur-Ch..., at Symphony Space. I received an advance copy to review and immediately swallowed it whole, planning to post a review right away so that you parents could run out and purchase your own copy. Alas, as life chaos and spring fever would have it, I am only now getting around to the review. Sorry.
This book is a must-read for all parents, but especially for NYC moms! I can't tell you how many times I yelled out, "Me, too!" while reading it. It's hysterically funny and full of truths most moms are too superstitious to talk about--you know the ones I mean. It's about an urban sophisticate who finds herself learning the hard way that motherhood, with all its joys and blessings, ain't easy. But being a bit of an admitted over-achiever, that doesn't stop this Upper West Side working actress from rising to the task, even if she has to learn to cut herself some slack along the way. She has three children and learns as she goes how to breast feed, bounce a crying baby in to sleep on an exercise ball, pour pefectly even amounts of juice in the sippy cups, navigate her kids through the intimidating New York City school application process, manage those many awkward idiosyncratic little moments that we all love to laugh about years later and maintain at least some semblence of humor and sanity in the process. Oh, and did I mention she wrote a book, too?:) Not only that, but Amy Wilson has turned her maternal mishaps and missives into a hit Off-Broadway play and a weekly blog by the same name: Mother Load. Run buy this book, Macaroni moms!I promise you won't be disappointed!

Visit Amy's blog and Mom Advice Web site by clicking here.