
Macaroni Kid Hosts Cookies for Kids' Bake Sale

By Charlotte Linde November 23, 2011

On Saturday December 3 from 8AM until 3PM, Macaroni Kid Cedar Rapids and Iowa City will be hosting their first Cookies for Kids' Cancer Bake Sale at the Westdale Mall in the old Kay Jewelery store. (During our Family Fun Day and Xmas Expo) You won't be able to miss us, we are right next to Santa!  Hopefully I can keep his hands off of them ~ I hear that this year Santa REALLY is loving his cookies before the big trip on Christmas Eve!

Please come out and show your support.  We will have hundreds of dozens of cookies and treats to choose from. Why do all of the work baking this season when you can come out and by some locally baked goods and support finding a cure for pediatric cancer at the same time!

We have a special guest coming to entertain the kids by bringing Tigger and friends to life.  This amazing person donates her time cheering up sick children in hospitals by bringing stuffed animals to life.

If you would like to donate your time, baked goods or funds to our Cookies for Kids' Bake Sale, please contact me at  Thank you to everyone who has already generously helped with this sale.  I can't thank you enough. 

You can read how I decided to start helping Cookies for Kids' Cancer HERE.