
Mean Green Guacamole!

Sure to be gobbled down with this fun name!

By Liz Loizou-Smith fellow Publisher July 7, 2011

This week we'll be featuring, "Mean Green Guacamole", from our Vital Vegetables section. Give the kids a cool fun name like that, and they're sure to eat it!

Happy Cooking!

Feeds:6 (as a dip)  Making Time: 10 minutes

Be sure to scrape all of the flesh out of the avocado, as it's packed with fourteen minerals that stimulate growth, including iron and copper for your blood.

What to find:

1 Large ripe avocado

1 medium tomato

1 scallion

Half a lime

2 handfuls parsley (optional)

Vegetables to cut up into bite-sized dipping sticks (e.g. carrots, peppers, cauliflower, cucumber, broccoli, celery)

Things you will use: cutting board, vegetable knife, spoon, large bowl, scissors, juicer, measuring cup, serving bowl.

What to do:

1. Put the avocado onto a cutting board and cut it lengthwise from the stem.  Grip the Avocado with both hands and twist each hand in a different direction to separate the halves.  Use a spoon to remove the pit.  Scoop the flesh out with the spoon and put it in the large bowl.

2.  Dice the tomato into small chunks.  Add the chunks into the bowl with the avocado.

3.  Use the kitchen scissors to trim the scallion and snip it into small pieces.  Add the snipped scallion to the bowl

4.  Put the line on the cutting board and cut it in half.  Twist one half of the lime around a huicer to get the juice out.  Add this to the bowl.

5.  Add the parsley (without stems), if you're using it, and then use a fork to mash all the ingredients together until you've created a thick, mean green dip!

6.  Spoon the mixture into a serving bowl and get dipping!