
May is Better Hearing Month

Build a sound phone!

By Wanda Carter May 12, 2011

Article by a fellow Macaroni Publisher Wanda Carter

My daughter,O, had speech delays, and still struggles from time to time. Having had speech problems myself well into puberty, it broke my heart. I tried my best to help her, and when it became all too obvious that I was woefully under-qualified to help, I went to the school system and begged. It was a 2 year battle, and I do mean battle. Calling every day, and getting tossed around the system.

Finally, the winter before kinder, she was admitted into a program with wonderful kids and amazing miracle workers. One of the first things they suggested was to build a sound phone. This simple little contraption lets the kids hear themselves. It is crystal clear, and really helped O understand that people did not hear her the way that she heard herself.

It is super simple. I went to my local home improvement store right after the very first class, and had them point me to the PVC pipe couplings. I sat there for about 10 min and O helped me build the phone right there in the isle before we ever left the store.

All it took was 2 right angle joints, and a small tube to connect them. (I'm sure there are real names for these parts, but I don't know them.) You can show the employees the pic and they should be able to help. I tried them out until I found just the right size to fit together nice and snug.

I let O decorate it with her favorite stickers when we got home. It was her best friend for the longest time.Now that she has graduated from her speech program, We keep the phone in her reading nook. I pull it out from time to time when she is reading, or preparing for a speaking part such as leading the Pledge, or talking on the school announcements. It has given her so much clarity and confidence in her speaking. Best little craft I've ever made.

This craft cost about $1.20 to make, no special tools, or talent, but if you prefer there are box items that do the same things that run about $5. Here is a link to the Lakeshore Learning version.